James Haggerty Recovery
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Relapse Prevention

Lessons Learned in Alcoholics Anonymous


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Relapse Prevention

Principles and Lessons Learned in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

April 17, 2024
Alcoholics Anonymous offers numerous principles and lessons that individuals can learn even beyond the time spent in the program.
Favorite AA Sayings “Taking it one day at a time in recovery”


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Relapse Prevention Sober Life

Taking It One Day at a Time in Recovery” and Other Favorite AA Sayings

March 14, 2024
Recovery is challenging, but AA slogans that encourage “taking it one day at a time” can make it a bit easier. Discover some of the top AA quotes.
One Day at a Time


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Relapse Prevention Sober Life

One Day at a Time: Thoughts from AA Daily Reflections

December 7, 2022

I’m sure you have all heard the phrase “one day at a time.” It’s a common expression but one that particularly illustrates the importance of healing from substance use disorder (SUD). Members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) use this phrase as a reminder that the healing process isn’t a cure;…

The path toward recovery isn’t always linear


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Relapse Prevention

Preventing a Relapse

July 25, 2022

Drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult struggles we can face, and the path toward recovery isn’t always linear. Addiction breaks us down piece by piece. During the recovery process, we try our hardest to reconstruct our lives to get back to normal. As with any…

How to Prioritize Mental Health During the Holidays


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Relapse Prevention

How to Prioritize Mental Health During the Holidays

December 23, 2021

As the holiday season continues, many people eagerly anticipate spending more time with family and friends, delectable holiday treats, and the joy and excitement of gift-giving. However, this isn’t a universal experience. While it may be the best time of year for some, many others dread the quickly impending…

Daily Reflections While in AA


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Relapse Prevention

The Power of Daily Reflections While in AA

September 16, 2021

When I first sought treatment for my alcohol dependency, it felt overwhelming. Admitting that I had a problem was the first step, but sometimes it seemed unimaginable and overwhelming  to even consider the other steps to follow. Luckily, Alcoholics Anonymous was an amazing group that gave me the tools…

Ideas for Maintaining Long-term Sobriety


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Relapse Prevention Sober Life

Ideas for Maintaining Long-term Sobriety

April 27, 2021

If you are in recovery from a SUD (substance use disorder) with drugs or alcohol, you know just how challenging getting to that place has been — as do I! It’s no small feat for anyone, making the choice, doing the work and becoming sober. On the heels of…

Can Mindfulness Based Recovery Help Alcoholics Stay Sober?


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Relapse Prevention Spirituality in Recovery

Can Mindfulness Based Recovery Help Alcoholics Stay Sober?

April 16, 2021

There are many therapeutic benefits of practicing mindfulness and meditation. Many of these benefits affect many aspects of our lives. From experience, I can say that practicing mindfulness has transformed my own life in more ways than one. While you might think that meditation is only for yogis in…

James Haggerty

A Time to Heal: Family Interventions offers personalized SUD Interventions, Addiction Recovery Planning, Case Management, Sober Companionship and Family Support. Call 310-450-6627 to connect with us.

A Time to Heal


Family Interventions Professional and Compassionate Substance Abuse Intervention Services for the Family

Our sole purpose is to heal

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