James Haggerty Recovery
Recovery Journey

What Are the Three Ps of Recovery?

September 24, 2024
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Three Ps of Recovery

On my own journey to recovery, I heard many mentions of the Three As of Recovery, which were themselves a convenient yet profound reference to the Three As of Change: Awareness, Acceptance, and Action. So much so that the Three As became a major component of my recent exploration of the topic of acceptance in recovery. However, I believe the Three P’s of Recovery, while perhaps not as prevalent in recovery circles, are also an important concept for anyone with a substance abuse disorder to understand.

At A Time to Heal, we believe in bridging the gap between those in need and effective treatment, acting as advocates for recovery and helping individuals and families find a path toward a fulfilling future. Overcoming the challenges of SUD and building a lasting foundation for a healthier, substance-free life is part of my life’s work, just as it is for anyone committed to healing from the effects substances have caused in their lives. The Three Ps of Recovery are essential tools you can use along the way, no matter the stage of recovery you’re in.

What Are the Three P’s of Recovery?

Having patience, perseverance, and persistence as you begin your recovery journey can provide you with the strength you need to see the process through. Let’s explore what these Three Ps really mean.


Completing any lengthy process requires time, and patience is a vital quality to have if you want to see a task through to its fruition. Where recovery is concerned, it’s important to remember that it typically takes a length of time to develop a substance use disorder. Realistically speaking, overcoming that same disorder can take as long, if not much longer.

Having patience means understanding that progress may come in small, incremental steps rather than dramatic breakthroughs. In recovery, we focus on the journey rather than the destination and acknowledge the small victories along the way. Every day you are able to make even the smallest progress brings you closer to full recovery.

Patience can also mean allowing yourself the grace to heal at your own pace, even when you face setbacks or periods where progress feels slow. Remaining calm and resilient when the road seems long is a key component of having the patience necessary for recovery. The Three Ps emphasize the importance of patience in the recovery process so that your time and effort will lead to meaningful, lasting change.


Perseverance is the drive to keep going, even when recovery becomes difficult. If you’re like me, you know that recovery from SUD is rarely a straight path. Obstacles are inevitable, whether from dealing with cravings, emotional triggers, or physical symptoms.

Having perseverance allows you to stay committed to the process despite the hardships and moments of self-doubt that may arise. This second of the 3 P’s is about pushing through challenges with the belief that you are capable of change, no matter how tough things get.


Perseverance is also what helps you rebuild your life after recovery begins but with the guidance and support needed to help you persevere through the toughest times. Perseverance strengthens your resolve to continue moving forward, even when the outcome isn’t immediately visible.


Persistence is about consistent effort and showing up every day, even when the process feels slow or overwhelming. When it comes to recovery from SUD, wanting change is not enough. You have to keep taking the actions necessary to maintain that change.

This could mean staying committed to therapy sessions, attending support groups, following treatment plans, and maintaining the healthy habits you’ve worked so hard to establish. Along the way, persistence helps you build and maintain a foundation for lasting success by creating a routine that fosters sustained healing.

I especially want to stress the importance of professional and community support while developing persistence in recovery. The resources mentioned above can ensure you have the support you need to stay focused on your goals, even when progress feels incremental. Consistency is the cornerstone of recovery, and persistence ensures you stay the course, no matter how difficult it becomes.

The Three Pillars of Recovery

I’ve often thought that the most important aspects of recovery seem to come in threes. Along with the Three As of Recovery and the Three Ps of Recovery are perhaps the best-known trio of recovery: The Three Pillars of Recovery. The 3 Pillars of Recovery are concepts that can help people understand what qualities they should focus on and cultivate throughout the recovery process. Therapy, support, and education are the three most fundamental elements of recovery.

3 Pillars of Recovery


Therapy plays a crucial role in the treatment of SUD by providing individuals with the tools they need to address the underlying causes of their substance use and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Through comprehensive assessments, which include interviews with both individuals and their family members, we create personalized treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each client.

This tailored approach ensures that the therapy addresses not only the SUD itself but also the emotional, psychological, and social factors that contribute to the individual’s struggle with substance use. By focusing on evidence-based strategies, therapy can help you develop the skills necessary to maintain long-term recovery. Therapy offers consistent support and guidance through the recovery process, as well as a “safe space” to explore emotions, work through past trauma, and identify triggers that are connected to SUD.

For example, my own team partners with top clinical providers and treatment centers to ensure that clients receive the best care possible. These partnerships allow our team to recommend specialized therapies tailored to each person’s needs, from cognitive-behavioral therapy to family counseling.


Support can come in many forms, from family support to sponsors, support groups, and more. I believe resources like family coaching services can provide exceptional support as they address the changes that substance use or mental health issues cause for families. Every family is unique, and a tailored, compassionate approach to providing support is essential for complete healing.


Providing support to all family members can also reveal areas that need to change. This helps in establishing healthy boundaries, improving communication, and developing techniques for resolving conflicts. I also encourage families to find the appropriate treatment and support needed for both individual and collective recovery, fostering growth and healing for everyone involved.

Family coaching services can address a variety of areas that may include: 

  • Understanding substance use disorders
  • Setting boundaries
  • Emotional regulation
  • The dangers of enabling.

I’d like to emphasize the importance of communication, self-care, and a strong recovery community to support long-term healing. It is crucial to work closely with each family to create a comprehensive recovery plan, recognizing that the role of the family is vital in the recovery process.


Education also plays an important role in helping people along the recovery journey. Online resources for substance use disorders are an especially straightforward way of accessing research-backed information from the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence and the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, among others.

The NCADD provides a wealth of useful information, including these signs substance use is negatively affecting your life:

  • Have you experienced occasions where you drank more or for a longer period than you had planned?
  • Have you found yourself repeatedly wanting to reduce or quit drinking but unable to follow through?
  • Have you spent a significant amount of time drinking, dealing with hangovers, or recovering from the effects of alcohol?
  • Have you felt an overwhelming urge to drink that consumed your thoughts?
  • Has drinking or dealing with its aftereffects frequently disrupted your ability to manage home responsibilities, caused issues at work, or affected your school performance?

True peace of mind during recovery must be accompanied by pursuing healthy relationships. This ensures that the entire family has the tools and support they need for lasting change and a positive dynamic. As I mentioned above, understanding the 3 pillars of recovery can help you prepare for the journey that lies ahead.

FAQs About the Recovery Process:

The Three As, Three Ps, and Three Pillars of Recovery are integral to healing from SUD, but the way we implement them at A Time to Heal is unique. I’m often asked how our various services can help people looking to embark on their journey to recovery.

What Is a Family Recovery Coach?

A family recovery coach is a trained professional who focuses on supporting families dealing with a loved one’s Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Their main responsibility is to offer emotional guidance and help families navigate the challenges and stress that come with SUD. They also empower families by teaching them the tools and strategies needed to support their loved one’s recovery and encourage long-term success.

What Does Recovery Coaching Do?

A recovery coaching program is designed to support family members of individuals dealing with substance use disorder, whether they are in treatment, therapy, or seeking recovery coaching. This could include those in prison, after-care programs, or halfway houses, as well as parents of teens experimenting with substances in high school or college. Additionally, it serves anyone who is concerned about a friend or loved one’s substance use.

When Is the Right Time To Consider an Intervention?

The right time to consider an intervention is when you become aware that your loved one is suffering as a result of their substance use – or when you realize someone in your family is experiencing negative effects due to a loved one’s SUD. SUD is an issue that will not heal on its own. This could be the nudge they need to get help.

How Long Does Recovery From a Substance Abuse Disorder Take?

The length of recovery from a substance use disorder varies greatly depending on the individual, the severity of the SUD, and the type of treatment involved. While some people may see significant improvements within months, it’s important to remember that they must continue every day to win the battle against substance use. For that reason, recovery is a lifelong process.

This process will go the most smoothly with ongoing support and commitment. It is important to understand that progress can be gradual, and setbacks are a normal part of the journey.

How Do Recovery Treatment Placement Services Work?

Placement services focus on collaborating with clients to determine the most suitable treatment or recovery options tailored to their unique needs and preferences. As a person in recovery myself, I understand that navigating the world of SUD and behavioral health care can be complex and overwhelming. This is why we work so closely with both clients and their families to offer personalized support every step of the way. By providing guidance and advocacy, we aim to ensure that each individual receives the care and resources necessary for a successful recovery journey.

Take the First Step Toward Recovery

By practicing patience, perseverance, and persistence, you can begin your journey toward recovery with confidence, knowing that each step you take brings you closer to lasting change. These three qualities will help you face challenges with resilience, overcome obstacles with determination, and stay committed to the process, no matter how difficult the road ahead may seem. Certainly, too, therapy, support, and education are foundational when it comes to sustained recovery with the goal of ultimately ending a substance abuse disorder.

If you’re ready to take the first step towards recovery, we’re here to help. Connect with me or my associate Brad Langenberg via our online form, and we’ll reach out to guide you on your path to recovery. Together, we can work toward a brighter, healthier future.

Stay Strong,


James Haggerty

A Time to Heal: Family Interventions offers personalized SUD Interventions, Addiction Recovery Planning, Case Management, Sober Companionship and Family Support. Call 310-450-6627 to connect with us.

A Time to Heal


Family Interventions Professional and Compassionate Substance Abuse Intervention Services for the Family

Our sole purpose is to heal

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