James Haggerty Recovery

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Recovery Journey

Understanding Relapse/Recurrence in Addiction Recovery: A Natural Part of the Journey

June 17, 2024
A recurrence of SUD can carry a stigma, and those recovering can feel shame or that they've "failed" recovery. However, it is a common, natural part of the process.
Relapse Prevention

Preventing a Relapse

July 25, 2022

Drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult struggles we can face, and the path toward recovery isn’t always linear. Addiction breaks us down piece by piece….

Recovery Tips

How Relapse Can Aid In Recovery

June 2, 2021

Living with an incurable disease such as addiction is a heavy lifelong burden. I remember the first time I first jumped into the recovery world — it felt so…

Recovery Tips

Relapse in Addiction Recovery Doesn’t Mean You’ve Failed

April 14, 2021

I don’t know about you, but for me, admitting that I am human can be one of the most challenging things I have to do. Being human means being…